Ko Rata, ko Rata, ko Rata, Nana i tuatua te wao tapu o Taane. Ihu maota e Taane, Rere maota mai e Taane, Rere mai nga kongakonga o Taane, Koia piri koia tau, Rere mai nga maramara o Taane, Koia piri koi ehe tau. Rere mai nga rara o Taane, Koia piri koia tau. Torotika, e tu te maota, Whakaarahia, e tu te maota (White 1886, III: 4)
It is Rata, Rata, Rata, Who felled the sacred forest of Tane. Small chips of Tane, Chips of Tane flying, Flying scraps of Tane, Adhere and come together. Fly hither, the chips of Tane, And come together, adhere. Fly hither, the ribs of Tane, And come together, adhere. Be straight, and be erect, O chips! Lift thee up. O chips! be erect.
(White 1887, III: 2)